
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Authority

 The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Authority                                                        Mahmutovic . J (2023) Organizational culture and authority have a nuanced and intricate relationship. The common attitudes, practices, and values that influence how people interact and collaborate inside an organization are referred to as its organizational culture.  Conversely, authority refers to the capability or prerogative to issue directives, render judgments, and compel adherence within an establishment.  What are Edgar Schein's Two Organizational Cultures?                                                       Clayton M (2021) When analyzing the relationship between corporate culture and authority, keep the following factors in mind, Power Distribution Centralized vs. Decentralized Authority The degree of authority centralization or decentralization varies throughout organizational cultures. A culture that emphasizes empowerment and creativity may be more dec

The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Risk Tolerance

  The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Risk Tolerance                                           Haudan J (2016) Since an organization's culture can influence how it takes risks and makes decisions, there is a considerable relationship between organizational culture and risk tolerance.  Some organizations embark on risk-taking by creating no-limit challenges - but they limit the scope of the focus.  This works well when a company wants to liberate beliefs on what is possible in select areas of the business and then open the doors for the risk taking, experimentation, and failure that might ultimately show how to break through previous ceilings of experience.  Haudan J (2016) When it comes to organizational culture, these values can influence how individuals within an organization perceive and respond to various aspects of their work environment. Schwartz, S. H. (1992) Here are some important things to remember. Innovation and Risk-Taking A culture that values experime