Employee Engagement and Empowerment

Key Elements of Organizational Culture in Telecommunications Industry

In the first post we discussed the role Innovation and adaptability. In this post we will be understanding the second of the key elements of Organizational Culture in the Telecommunications Industry, which is, 

2. Employee Engagement and Empowerment

The nature of the telecommunications industry requires a highly skilled and motivated workforce. Exploring how organizational culture contributes to employee engagement and empowerment is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent.

In the telecom sector, employee empowerment and engagement are critical components of corporate culture. Long-term success in a climate where technology, consumer needs, and market trends are always changing requires developing a workplace culture that values and empowers people. The following are crucial components of telecom businesses' organizational cultures that support employee empowerment and engagement:

1. Clear Communication Channels: 

Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of engaged employees. Companies with open lines of communication create a climate in which staff members are aware of the company's objectives, plans, and modifications. A feeling of shared purpose and trust are fostered by this transparency.

Establishing Clear Communication Channels Among Affiliated Companies - Affiliated Companies and Risk Management: Mitigating Shared Challenges

2. Inclusive Decision-Making:

Including workers in the decision-making process is a key component of employee empowerment. Companies that welcome feedback from workers at all levels gain from a variety of viewpoints and instill a sense of pride in their staff members. It is possible to attain inclusivity in decision-making by using committees, forums, or frequent feedback sessions.

The Goal: 100% Inclusive Decision-Making

A diverse and inclusive workforce represents an enormous opportunity to improve decisions and thus business performance. For this reason, it is a strategic imperative that decision-making is more broadly delegated to include a wider set of employee perspectives. The beauty of this approach is that more involvement in decisions will also increase your employees’ engagement and job satisfaction levels. Larson. E (2018) 

3. Employee Recognition Programs:

Acknowledging and praising staff members' accomplishments is a great method to raise motivation and engagement. Effective employee recognition programs, whether through official awards or informal appreciation, help telecommunications firms foster a healthy workplace culture that honors both individual and team accomplishments.

Dialog Axiata PLC has many rewards and recognition programs which employees are very pleased with. It gives the employees an added motivation to achieve their targets and go above and beyond those given targets. Examples of such programs are;

Service from the Heart

Dialog Awards

Divisional Awards

4. Flexible Work Arrangements:

Given the dynamic nature of the telecom sector, offering flexible work schedules to staff members can improve their wellbeing and level of involvement. Flexible work arrangements, such as reduced workweeks, flexible hours, or remote work choices, promote work-life balance and show employers believe their staff members can handle their workloads.

5. Investment in Professional Development:

Investing in the professional development of employees is another way to empower them. In addition to enhancing staff capacities, telecom firms that offer training, mentorship programs, and opportunities for skill development also demonstrate a commitment to their long-term success.

Identify gaps and interests

To ensure that professional development opportunities are appropriate for their employees, agency leaders first need to identify the needs and interests among their staff. Ask employees where they want to build their competencies, considering the skills they need for their careers as well as the skills that align with the organization's mission. This can be done through a formal survey or a casual status check-in with one-on-one conversations with employees. Ransom M (2021)

6. Autonomous Work Teams:

Offering workers autonomy in their jobs is one way to empower them. Individuals can take responsibility for their work, make decisions, and add to the overall success of projects by forming autonomous work teams. A sense of accountability and duty is fostered by this autonomy.

In summary, telecoms firms that want to succeed in a cutthroat market that is changing quickly must cultivate a culture of empowerment and involvement among their workforce. Organizations can build a work environment that inspires, attracts, and keeps employees by emphasizing open communication, inclusive decision-making, recognition, flexibility, professional development, and autonomy.


1. Picture 1 - Establishing Clear Communication Channels Among Affiliated Companies - Affiliated Companies and Risk Management: Mitigating Shared Challenges


2. Larson. E (2018) - https://www.forbes.com/sites/eriklarson/2018/06/11/how-to-use-inclusive-decision-making-to-drive-innovation-and-performance-part-one/?sh=7eec25a15ea0

3.Ransom M (2021) - https://journals.lww.com/jphmp/fulltext/2021/09000/investing_in_and_promoting_professional.16.aspx


  1. Agreed Reza, Employee Engagement and Empowerment in human resource management signify a paradigm shift towards fostering a work environment where individuals feel connected, motivated, and empowered. By prioritizing these aspects, organizations cultivate a culture of commitment and productivity, ultimately leading to enhanced performance and sustained growth.

  2. The telecommunications industry demands a highly engaged and empowered workforce to adapt, innovate, and deliver exceptional customer service, requiring continuous employee empowerment. Employee engagement refers to an employee's emotional commitment to their work and organization, resulting in increased productivity and a positive work environment. In the telecommunication industry, empowered employees should resolve customer issues quickly and effectively , adapt to changing technologies.

  3. The essential components of organizational culture, in particular employee empowerment and engagement, are critical to success and competitiveness in the quickly changing telecommunications sector. Having a skilled, engaged, and empowered workforce is crucial for fostering innovation, adaptability, and overall organizational resilience. Top talent can be attracted and retained by telecom companies by cultivating a culture that values open communication, inclusive decision-making, recognition, flexibility, professional development, and autonomy. Consequently, this improves worker motivation, job satisfaction, and eventually the long-term viability of the business.
    How does your company make sure that lines of communication are open and transparent so that staff members are aware of goals and updates?
    What benefits have open lines of communication brought to your staff's sense of trust and a common goal?

  4. Nice article Reza, great insight into organization culture in the telecommunication industry regarding employee engagement and empowerment. How important is it for employees to be more engaged in the telecommunication industry? Will the business be affected if the employee is salary-oriented and isolated from the company's values?

  5. Agreed Reza. Effort on employee empowerment should be supported by organization. through this employee will tend to increase productivity and further bring a sense of satisfaction to the employee engagement will be highly affect with the organization's effort on empowerment. However do you you think the factors stated in the articles will affect the mission of the company and up to what extend.

  6. Agreed Reza, especially on the Rewards and Recognition aspect and it is definitely an important aspect for growth initiation and for one to feel included in the company's success. My only query is on the goal of being a 100% inclusive decision making entity, we can't include everyone to the decision making process but I agree that if the organization culture is set to allow people to express their ideas and thoughts, this would definitely create a progressive environment.

  7. Agree with you Reza.
    The telecommunications industry is considered by an environment of innovative and dynamic businesses in relation to technological modifications. When technology improvements, the work environment must also familiarize to innovative techniques of working. Organizations in the telecommunications sector are severely dependent on information technology (IT) to facilitate the services offered by them technology. The constant change of the internal and external environment of a company requires its employees to modify not only the routine work but also social practices (Broadhurst, 2012).

  8. As per (Sergio, 2018) while empowerment focuses more on giving employees the power to make decisions, employee engagement involves inspiring & encouraging staff members to contribute to the company. So when combined, the two ideas can have a big impact on job satisfaction because they give employees more authority to make decisions & a greater motivation to complete their work
    Reference: Sergio, R. P. (2018). Employee engagement and empowerment as gateway towards retention: The case of Volkswagen group. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 1.

  9. Yes Rezza, employee engagement programmes for employee recognition are an effective way of fostering a supportive and driven work environment. Acknowledging and celebrating the accomplishments of employees, either via official recognition or unofficial expressions of gratitude, greatly increases their drive and engagement. In the ever-changing world of telecommunications, where collaboration is essential, these programmes are highly helpful for recognizing both individual and group accomplishments. These kinds of programmes not only raise spirits but also make a big difference in fostering a positive, cooperative work the environment.

  10. I really stand by Inclusive decision making, Do you think implementing this via online polls or survey forms would be ideal? I honestly think having physical discussions on these matters would take too much time and also may create complications too...

  11. Agree. Employee engagement and empowerment are catalysts for a motivated and high-performing workforce. When employees feel valued and have the autonomy to contribute meaningfully, it not only enhances job satisfaction but also drives innovation and organizational success.


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